Comparative Education Research Centre
CESHK conference

Bob Adamson, CESHK Conference, 2002

CERC's PhD students

CERC’s PhD students
(L-R: Li Mei, Hu Jingfei, Maria Manzon, Mitsuko
Maeda [extreme right]) and post-doctoral fellow, Jiang Kai)

CERC film showing.5 2013

CERC‘ film showing

CERC GEM Report launch. Oct 2016.2 Wesley Teter

CERC GEM Report Launch

CERC secretary

Passing the baton as CERC’s Secretary
(L-R: Emily Mang, Zhang Wei)

First Policy Forum of SE

First Policy Forum on Shadow Education, April 2013

Launch of Second Edition of Comparative book

Launch of the second edition of Comparative Education Research: Approaches and Methods, 2014
(L-R: Liz Jackson, Mark Bray, Yang Rui, Bob Adamson, and Emily Mang)

Launch of UNESCO Chair.1

Launching the UNESCO Chair in Comparative Education, 2012
(L-R: Mark Bray, Roland Chin, Stephen Andrews, Tang Qian, David Atchoarena, Mitzi Leung)

Policy Forum (21)

Public-Private Partnerships in Supplementary Education Sharing Experiences in East Asian Contexts

CERC managment commitee 2021

CERC Management Committee 2021

IMG_7408A -OK

2021-2022 CGSED Cohort of students


CERC Book Sale on new SIG event 2023

Roundtable Discussion

New SIG event-Roundtable Discussion 2023

CGSED students 2023-2024
CGSED students 2023-2024
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Welcome to the Comparative Education Research Centre

Established in 1994, in the Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, CERC builds on the Faculty’s expertise in comparative and global studies in education. The aims of the Centre are:

  • to facilitate, participate in and initiate a wide range of research projects with comparative perspectives;
  • to support comparative research in education, and to disseminate information throughout the region and further afield through publications, newsletters, research activities, including seminars, symposiums, conferences, etc.;
  • to establish and maintain a wide range of contacts with educational researchers and research institutions in China, in the region and internationally;
  • to provide a centre upon which institutions and organisations within the region can draw for human and other resources for contract research, consultancies, and training in research methods.

CERC is research-oriented, and welcomes links with individuals and institutions with comparative and international interests locally and globally. We are connected with major education research societies and centres around the world.