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For book reviews: click the following links for book reviews by
Madison Collins, published in Current Issues in Comparative Education (CICE);
Jean-Marie De Ketele, published in Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres (RIES);
Fernando Vizotto Galvão, published in Cadernos de Pesquisa;
Samson C. R. Kajawo, published in Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education;
Bandera Lihoma, published in Journal of International and Comparative Education(JICE);
Liu Ying & Daryl John, published in Journal of Southern African Studies (JSAS);
Adrián Neubauer, published in Revista Española de Educación Comparada(REEC);
Adrian Yan, published in Global Comparative Education: Journal of the WCCES;
Abdeljalil Akkari, published in Hungarian Educational Research Journal (HERJ);
Sebastian Ille, published in International Review of Education (IRE);
Nozomi Sakata, published in Journal of International Cooperation in Education;
Mohieddine Rahmouni, published in Journal of Asian and African Studies;
Gerard Guthrie, published in Journal of Education;