Doing Comparative Education: Three Decades of Collaboration

Harold J. Noah & Max A. Exkstein

1998, 356pp.

ISBN 10: 962-8093-87-8
ISBN 13: 978-962-8093-87-8

HK$50 (local), US$8 (overseas)

Published by Comparative Education Research Centre (CERC)


Each chapter of this book  is available for free.

Part I Comparative Orientations

1. Toward a Science of Comparative Education

2. On Teaching a ‘ Scientific ‘ Comparative Education

3. Defining Comparative Education : Conceptions

4. A Comparative Study of Outlier Schools in Metropolitan Settings

5. Other Schools and Ours

6. Fast-Fish and Loose-Fish in Comparative Education

7. Use and Abuse of Comparative Education

8. Comparative Education : The State of the Field

9. Dependency Theory in Comparative Education

10. The Darling Young

11. The Comparative Mind : Metaphor in Comparative Education

Part II. Schools in Context

12. The Elitist and the Popular Ideal : Prefects and Monitors in English and American Secondary Schools

13. Ultimate Deterrents : Punishment and Control in English and American Schools

14. Metropolitanism and Education

15. Teachers and School Success in Amsterdam , London , Paris and New York

16. Toward a Strategy of Urban-Educational Study

17. International Study of Business/Industry Involvement with Education

Part III. Achievement , Assessment and Evaluating Learning

18. Comparative School Achievement

19. National Case Study Report

20. International Study of School Achievement

21. Reflections on the IEA

22. The Two Faces of Examinations

23. Tradeoffs in Examinations Policies : An International Comparative Perspective

24. Secondary School Examinations : International Perspectives on Policies and Practice

25. An International Perspective on National Standards

26. A Comparative Assessment of Assessment

27. Great Expectations : An International Comparison of End-of-Secondary School Examinations

Part IV. Educational Policy

28. Trends in Public Secondary Education in Western Europe

29. Education , Credentialling and the Labor Market in the European Community : An Agenda for Research

30. Academia in Anarchy

31. Private Education

32. OECD Reviews of Educational Policy

33. Education for Development

34. The Utility of Country Case Studies for Educational Planning

35. Educational Financing and Policy Goals

36. Soviet Education ‘s Unsolved Problems

37. Communist Schooling