Book Series

CERC Studies in Comparative Education

CERC Studies in Comparative Education

CERC studies in comparative education

Established in 1997, CERC Studies in Comparative Education is today internationally recognized for its quality and breadth of topics in comparative education. The series is widely recognized as a leader in the field not only in Asia but also globally. This series has been co-published with Routledge since 2023.

Series Editor: Nutsa Kobakhidze, Comparative Education Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong, China
Associate Editor: Mark Bray, Comparative Education Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong, China
International Editorial Advisory Board
-Will Brehm, University of Canberra, Australia
-Michael Crossley, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
-Ruth Hayhoe, University of Toronto, Canada
-Liz Jackson, The University of Hong Kong, China
-Alla Korzh, SIT Graduate Institute, USA
-Maria Manzon, Sophia University, Japan
-Mark Mason, The Education University of Hong Kong, China
-Jeremy Rappleye, The University of Hong Kong, China
-Antoni Verger, The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

If you have any relevant book proposal ideas, you can contact Katie Peace (Senior Publisher at Routledge) at or Nutsa Kobakhidze (Series Editor for both book series at CERC) at

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