Information by Country
Information by Author
Information by Year
Information By Country
- ASIA: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Jordan, Macau, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam
- AFRICA: Egypt, Kenya, Mauritius, South Africa, Tunisia, Zambia
- AUSTRALIA: Australia, New Zealand
- NORTH and SOUTH AMERICA: Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Trinidad and Tobago, USA
- EUROPE: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, Ukraine
- WORLD: International, misc.
Louise, W. (2008). Private expectations and public schooling: the growth of private tutoring in Australia. Peer Refereed Conference Paper Presented to the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) National Conference, 30 November – 4 December 2008, Brisbane
Shankar, Jay (2005). Outsourcing: Now it’s Tutoring. The Sydney Morning Herald 02.09.2005.
Watson, L (2008) Private Expectations and Public Schooling: the growth of private tutoring in Australia. Paper delivered to the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) National Conference, 30 November – 4 December, Brisbane.
Wedgwood, Ruth (2005). Education and Poverty Reduction in Tanzania, UKFIET Oxford Conference on Education and Development, September 2005
Bundesweite Elternbefragung (2011). AK-Studie: Nachhilfe 2011, Studienbericht. Diese Studie wurde erstellt für die: AK-Wien, Abteilung Bildungspolitik. [AK-Study: Tutoring 2011, Study Report. This study was carried out for: AK Vienna, Department of Education policy].
AK-Wien (Abteilung Bildungspolitik) (2010): Nachhilfe [Private tutoring]. Vienna: Abteilung Bildungspolitik.
Gruber, K.H. (2007). From the shadow into the limelight: the increasing limelight of tutoring in Austria. Paper presented at the IIEP Policy Forum ‘Confronting the Shadow Education system: What government policies for what private tutoring?’ Paris: IIEP-UNESCO.
Maszl, Gabriele (2004): ‘Nachhilfe und Angst in der Schule: Eine empirische Untersuchung an zwei Wiener Schulen’ [‘Tutoring and Anxiety at School: An Empirical Study in Two Viennese Schools’]. Erziehung und Unterricht 154 (9-10): 825-831.
Shutting coaching centres overnight not possible, Daily Stars, Dhaka, 12 August 2011, p.2.
Glinskaya, Elena (2005). Education and Health Expenditures in Bangladesh: Benefit Incidence Analysis. Journal of Developing Societies, Vol. 21, No. 1-2, 91-120.
Hamid, O., Sussex, R., & Khan, A. (2009). Private Tutoring in English for Secondary School Students in Bangladesh. Tesol Quarterly, 43(2), 281-308.
Nath, S. (2007). Remunerated Supplementary Tutoring in out-of-school Study in Rural Bangladesh BRAC Research Report. Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh: Research and Evaluation Division.
Rashid, R., Sharmin, N., Dutta, N. C., & Nath, S. R. (2010). Education Under Gram Daridro Bimochan Committee: Present Status and Future Directions. BRAC Working Paper No. 20. Dhaka: CFPR.
Shafiq, M. Najeeb (2002). The Economic Burden of Private Tutoring Expenses on Households in Developing Countries: The Case of Bangladesh, Overview presented for presentation, 46th Comparative & International Education Society’s Annual Meeting. Orlando, March 9th, 2002.
Psacharopoulos, George, Arieira, Carlos R., & Mattson, Robert (1997). Private Education in a Poor Country: The Case of Urban Bolivia. Economics of Education Review, Vol. 16, no. 4, 395-406.
Soldo, Andrea. & Powell, Steve (2011) The phenomenon of private tutoring-possible solutions. The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. proMENTE social research.
Bacchetto, João Galvão (2003). Cursinhos Pré-Vestibulares Alternativos no Município de São Paulo (1991-2000): A Luta pela Igualdade no Acesso ao Ensino Superio [Alternative preparatory courses for college , the city of São Paulo (1991-2000): The Struggle for Equality of Access to Higher Education], Tese de Mestrado, São Paulo, Faculdade de Educação, Universidade de São Paulo.
Benedet, Olga Maria (2000). Percepções sobre a Qualidade do Ensino Médio: uma Avaliação na Região Sul de Santa Catarina [Perceptions on Quality of High School: an evaluation in the South of Santa Catarina], Tese de Mestrado, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, Florianópolis, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.
Capriglione, Laura (2005). Dezesseis Escolas de São Paulo têm 36% das vagas de «elite» da USP [Sixteen schools of São Paulo have 36% of the places of elite at the USP]. Folha de S. Paulo 29.04.2005.
Carvalho, José Jorge de, & Segato, Rita Laura (2002). Uma Proposta de Cotas para Estudantes Negros na Universidade de Brasilia [A Proposal of quotas for Black Students at the University of Brasilia], Série Antropologia: Universidade de Brasília.
Costa, Jorge Adelino (2007). As Explicações (aulas particulares) enquanto vantagem competitiva no mercado educativo: os ‘novos herdeiros’ e as estratégias privadas de sucesso público [Private tutoring as competitive advantage in the education market: the ‘new heirs’ and private strategies of public success]. Paper presented at the XXIII Simpósio Brasileiro, V Congresso Luso-Brasileiro, I Colóquio Ibero-Americano de Política e Administração da Educação – Por uma escola de qualidade para todos, Porto Alegre, Brasil, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 11 a 14 de Novembro de 2007 (Publicação online).
Fernandes, Fátima (2005). 72% dos calouros «top» fizeram cursinho [72% of ‘top’ freshmen received private tutoring]. Folha de S. Paulo 29.04.2005.
Filho, Francisco Alves, & Rodrigues, Greice (2001). Passando pelo Funil [Passing through the funnel]. IstoÉ Online 08.03.2001.
Gois, Antônio (2001). O Fim do Vestibular [The purpose of private tutoring] . Aprendiz 27.03.2001.
Gomes, C. A., Mariano, F., de Oliveira, A., Barbosa, A., de Sousa, J.H.B. & Friedrich, N. (2010). Reforço escolar: gastos e desigualdades sociais [Tutoring: costs and social inequalities]. R. bras. Est. pedag., Brasília, v. 91, n. 227, p. 55-74.
Manso, B.P. (1998). Acabou o Vestibular [He finished the pre-university] Veja 25.11.98
Mattos, Luiz Otavio Neves (2007). Explicadoras do Rio de Janeiro: encontros e desencontros em trajetórias profissionais singulare [Private tutoring in Rio de Janeiro: similarities and differences in singulair professional careers]. Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos (RBEP), vol. 88, n.º 218, jan./abr. 2007, 140-156.
Medeiros, Melissa (2005). Chega primeiro cursinho virtual [Virtual tutoring comes first ] JB Online.
Moehlecke, Sabrina (2004). Fronteiras da Igualdade no Ensino Superior [Borders of equality in Higher Education]. Excelência & Justiça Racial, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Tese de Doutorado, São Paulo: Faculdade de Educação, Universidade de São Paulo
Moraes, Alessandra Cardoso de & Oliveira, Rosa Maria M. Anunciato de (2006). Cursos pré-vestibulares populares e aprendizagem da docência: alguns encontros [Popular pre-university courses and learning of teaching: some encounters]. Práxis Educativa, Vol. 1, N. 2, 125-144.
Nascimento, Antonio Luiz do (2003). Cursinhos Militantes: Ação Coletiva pela Democratização da Educação Superior [Militant private tutoring: Collective action for democracy in Higher Education] . Revista Espaço Acadêmico N.º 29, Outubro de 2003.
Santos, Renato Emerson dos (2005). Pré-Vestibulares Populares: Dilemas Políticos e Desafios Pedagógicos [Pre-university couses: Pedagogical Challenges and Political Dilemmas]: Laboratório de Políticas Públicas, Observatório Latino-americano de Políticas Educacionais, Programa Políticas da Cor na Educação Brasileira.
Sousa, José, Ribeiro, Paulo, Aboud, Sérgio, & Camacho, Regina (2004). A Universidade e o Pré-Vestibular Popular [University and pre-university courses] , Anais do 2º Congresso Brasileiro de Extensão Universitária. Belo Horizonte: 12-15 de Setembro de 2004.
Tófoli, Daniela (2002). Sedutor no começo, cursinho exige esforços [Seductive at the beginning, but private tutoring requires efforts]. Estadão 19.08.2002.
Vannuchi, Camilo (2005). Link para Universidade [Link to university]. IstoÉ Online 21.09.2005.
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Aurini, Janice (2004). Educational Entrepreneurialism in the Private Tutoring Industry: Balancing Profitability with the Humanistic Face of Schooling. Canadian Review of Sociology & Anthropology, Vol. 41, Issue 4, 475-491
Cirtwill, Charles, Clifton, Rod, & D’Orsay, John (2002). Testing & Accountability: the Keys to Educational Excellence in Atlantic Canada. Halifax: Atlantic Institute for Market Stud
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Davies, S. (2004). School choice by default? Understanding the demand for private tutoring in Canada. American Journal of Education, 110(3), 233-255.
Dessy, Sylvain, St-Amour, Pascal, & Vencatachellumx, Désiré (1998). The Economics of Private Tutoring. Québec: Cahiers de recherche, Université Laval – Département d’économique.
Guppy, Neil, & Davies, Scott (1999). Understanding Canadians’ Declining Confidence in Public Education. Canadian Journal of Education, 24, 3, 265-280.
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段佳丽, 王丹, 滕立新, 杨冬梅, & 吕鸥. (2006). 家庭中影响学生视力的行为因素研究. 中国学校卫生(07). (Survey on Family Factors Influencing Pupils’ Eyesight.)
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黄爱玲. (1996). 中小学课外辅导有偿服务探析. 教育评论(06). (A Study of Private Tutoring at the Level of Primary and Secondary Education)
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刘东芝. (2011). 课外补习教育的规范化管理. 教育理论与实践(02).(On Regulation and Standardization of Private Tutoring)
卢阳. (2005). 小学生课外教育情况的调查.广西民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)(S2). (A Study on Participation in Private Tutoring by Primary Pupils in Chengdu)
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An article in Slate magazine, published on 29 August 2011 with multiple links within it
Latest issue of Faculty’s newsletter, Education Matters: information about Shadow Education on page 13!
Information By Author
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- An article in Slate magazine, published on 29 August 2011 with multiple links within it
- Latest issue of Faculty’s newsletter, Education Matters: information about Shadow Education on page 13!
Information By Year
2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1981 1976 Miscelaneous Aslam, M. & Mansoor, S. (2012). The Private Tuition Industry in Pakistan: An Alarming Trend. In ASER-Pakistan. 2012. Annual Status of Education Report 2011: National (Rural) Paid Tuition. Islamabad: South Asian Forum for Education Development (SAFED), pp.23–25. Barrow, D. & S. Lochan (2012). Supplementary tutoring in Trinidad and Tobago: Some implications for policy making. International Review of Education, 58, 405-422. Byun, S. Y. and Hyunjoon, Park. (2012). The Academic Success of East Asian American Youth: The Role of Shadow Education. Sociology of Education 85(1):40-60. Seo, H. S., & Kim, T. Y. D. (2012). Elementary school students’ foreign language learning demotivation: A mixed methods study of Korean EFL context. The Asia Pacific Education Researche. Toh, Kezia (2012) Don’t overload students with homework: Heng Swee Keat The Straits Times (Sept. 13, 2012) Boridchuk, N. (2011). Shadow Education: Quantitative and Qualitative analysis of the impact of the educational reform (implementation of centralized standardised testing) on private tutoring in Ukraine. Development Studies Institute. London, London School of Economics and Political Science. Mater of Science. Bray, M. (2011). The Challenge of Shadow Education: Private tutoring and its implications for policy-makers in the European Union, European Commission. Bundesweite Elternbefragung (2011). AK-Studie: Nachhilfe 2011, Studienbericht. Diese Studie wurde erstellt für die: AK-Wien, Abteilung Bildungspolitik. [AK-Study: Tutoring 2011, Study Report. This study was carried out for: AK Vienna, Department of Education policy]. Choi, Á., Calero, J., & Escardíbul, J.-O. (2011). Hell to touch the SKY? Private tutoring and academic achievement in Korea. Working Papers. Entrich, Steve R. (2011). Shadow Education in Deutschland und Japan – Einführung in das Forschungsfeld.[Shadow Education in Germany and Japan – Introduction to the research field]. Universität Potsdam, Department Erziehungswissenschaft, Lehrstuhl für sozialwissenschaftliche Bildungsforschung. Haag, L. and Jäger, R. S. (2011). Nachhilfe – empirische Befunde, Desiderata und Entwicklungen [Tutoring – empirical findings, desiderata and developments]. Empirische Pädagogik, 25 (3): 259-265. Heyneman, S. (2011). Private Tutoring and Social Cohesion. Peabody Journal of Education, 86(2): 183-188 Ireson, Judith & Rushforth, Katie (2011). Private Tutoring at Transition Points in the English Education System: Its Nature, Extent and Purpose. Research Papers in Education, 26 (1): 1-19. Koinzer, Thomas (2011). Öffenliche Schule und Private Nachhilfe [Public Schooling and Private Tutoring]. Pädagogische Rundschau, 65 (1): 33-48. Kwo, Ora & Bray, Mark (2011). Facing the Shadow Education System in Hong Kong. Newsletter of the International Institute for Asian Studies, University of Leiden, No.56, p.20. Kirss, Laura (2011): Education in the Shadows: The Case of Estonia. Tallinn: Center for Policy Studies. Leman, B. (2011). Quelques particularites des juku japonais, systeme extrascolaire supplementaire a l’ecole: Une etude comparative des recherches japonaise, francaise et anglo-americaine [Some peculiarities of Japanese juku, extra-school system: A comparative study of Japanese, French and Anglo-American research]. Language, culture, and communication : journal of the College of Intercultural Communication, 3, 185-200. Lee, S. and R. C. Shouse (2011). The Impact of Prestige Orientation on Shadow Education in South Korea. Sociology of Education 84(3): 212 Lee, S., & Shouse, R. C. (2011). The Impact of Prestige Orientation on Shadow Education in South Korea. Sociology of Education, 84(3), 212. Liu, J. (2011). Does cram schooling matter? Who goes to cram schools? Evidence from Taiwan. International Journal of Educational Development. doi: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2011.01.014 Mendizábal, A. C. d., Martínez, J. C., & Ferrá, J. O. E. (2011). Hell to touch the SKY? Private tutoring and academic achievement in Korea. Documents de treball IEB(10), 1. OECD. (2011).Quality Time for Students: Learning In and Out of School. PISA, OECD Publishing. Oller, Anne-Claudine (2011) Le coaching scolaire en France : émergence d’un nouveau marché educatif [Tutoring in France: emergence of a new educational market] In Felouzis, G., & Fouquet-Chauprade B. (Dir.). Penser les marchés scolaires, Education Comparée, 6: 181-202 Park, H., Byun, S., & Kim, K. (2011). Parental Involvement and Students’ Cognitive Outcomes in Korea. Sociology of Education, 84(1):3-22. Perceval, Roland (Ed.)(2011). Les écoles de devoirs:au-dela du soutien scolaire [Homework schools: beyond tutoring]. Étude réalisée par Valérie Silberberg et Antoine Bazantay. Le soutien de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. Rushforth, Katie (2011). The Quality and Effectiveness of One-to-One Private Tuition in England. PhD thesis, Institute of Education, University of London. Safarzyńska, K. (2011). Socio-economic Determinants of Demand for Private Tutoring. European Sociological Review. Sobhy, Hania. (2012). The De-Facto Privatization of Secondary Education in Egypt: A Study of Private Tutoring in Technical and General Schools. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 42 (1): 47-67. Soldo, Andrea. & Powell, Steve (2011) The phenomenon of private tutoring-possible solutions. The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. proMENTE social research. Southgate, D. (2011). Determinants of shadow education: A cross-national analysis. Ph.D. dissertation, The Ohio State University, United States — Ohio. Retrieved July 17, 2011, from Dissertations & Theses: A&I.(Publication No. AAT 3393273). Sujatha, K.and G. Rani (2011). Private Tuition at Secondary Level: Trends and Troubles. in Sujatha, K.and G. 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The Determinants of National College Entrance Exam Performance in China – With an Analysis of Private TutoringPh.D., Columbia University, New York. AK-Wien (Abteilung Bildungspolitik) (2010): Nachhilfe [Tutoring]. Vienna: Abteilung Bildungspolitik. Askew, Mike; Hodgen, Jeremy; Hossain, Sarmin & Bretcher, Nicola (2010): Values and Variables:Mathematics Education in High-Performing Countries. London: Nuffield Foundation Alon, S. (2010). Racial Differences in Test Preparation Strategies: A commentary on Shadow Education, American Style: Test Preparation, the SAT and College Enrollment. Social Forces, 89(2), 463. Bray, M. (2010a). Researching shadow education: methodological challenges and directions. Asia Pacific Education Review, 11(1), 3-13. Bray, M. (2010b). Blurring boundaries: the growing visibility, evolving forms and complex implications of private supplementary tutoring. Orbis Scholae, 4(2), 61–73. 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