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Education and Political Transition: Themes and Experiences in East Asia, politics,

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cerc-01Edited by: Mark Bray & W.O. Lee

2001 2nd edition, 228pp

ISBN 10: 962-8093-84-3
ISBN 13: 978-962-8093-84-7

HK$200 (local), US$32 (overseas)

Published by the Comparative Education Research Centre (CERC)

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This book is the second edition of a volume published in 1997. Substantially revised and expanded, it throws new light on the links between education and political transition in a dynamic part of the world. Themes addressed by the book include globalisation, internationalisation and localisation; democratisation and nationalisation; colonial and postcolonial transitions; and liberal versus democratic approaches. Individual chapters focus on mainland China, Hong Kong, Korea, Macau, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan.

Reviewing the first edition, Philip Altbach commented in the Asia Pacific Journal of Education (Vol.18, No.2) that “these are very worthwhile essays that add significantly to our knowledge of … the region”. Readers will find the second edition an even stronger contribution to the field.

Mark Bray is Director of the Comparative Education Research Centre at the University of Hong Kong. He is also Secretary General of the World Council of Comparative Education Societies. W.O. Lee is Dean of the School of Foundations in Education at the Hong Kong Institute of Education. Prior to taking this position, he was Director of the Comparative Education Research Centre at the University of Hong Kong. Both editors are past Presidents of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong; and both have published extensively in the field of comparative education.



  • Education and Political Transitions in East Asia: Diversity and Commonality (Mark BRAY & W.O. LEE)

Globalisation, Internationalisation and Localisation

  • Globalisation, the State and Education Policy in Singapore (Saravanan GOPINATHAN)
  • The Taiwanisation, Democratisation and Internationalisation of Higher Education in Taiwan (LAW Wing Wah)
  • Political Transitions and the Internationalisation of English: Implications for Language Planning, Policy-making and Pedagogy (Robert Keith JOHNSON)

Democratisation and Nationalisation

  • Democracy, Education and Reform in Mongolia: Transition to a New Order (Malcolm INNES-BROWN)
  • Controversies in Hong Kong’s Political Transition: Nationalism versus Liberalism (W.O. LEE & Anthony SWEETING)

Colonial and Postcolonial Transitions

  • Education and Political Change in Korea: Colonial, Post-Colonial, Authoritarian and
  • Democratic Transitions (LEE Yonghwan)
  • Higher Education and Colonial Transition in Macau: Market Forces and State Intervention in a Small Society (Mark BRAY)
  • Education, Civic Participation and Identity: Continuity and Change in Hong Kong (Paul MORRIS, Flora KAN & Esther MORRIS)

Liberal versus Traditional Approaches

  • Regulating Pedagogic Discourse: in China: The Shift between Restrictive and Elaborated Ideological Orientations (CHEUNG Kwok Wah)
  • Moral Education Policy in China: The Struggle between Liberal and Traditional Approaches (W.O. LEE)

Crossing Borders in East Asian Higher Education

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cerc-27Edited by David W. Chapman, William K. Cummings & Gerard A. Postiglione

March 2010

ISBN 978-962-8093-98-4

HK$250 (local), US$38 (overseas)

Published by Comparative Education Research Centre (CERC) and Springer

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This book received  1st place in the 2nd Annual Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Higher Education SIG (HE-SIG) Best in Books for the academic year 2009-2010!

This book examines issues that have emerged as higher education systems and individual institutions across East Asia confront and adapt to the changing economic, social, and educational environments in which they now operate. The book’s focus is on how higher education systems learn from each other and on the ways in which they collaborate to address new challenges. The sub-theme that runs through this volume concerns the changing nature of cross-border sharing. In particular, the provision of technical assistance by more industrialized countries to lower and middle income countries has given way to collaborations that place the latter’s participating institutions on a more equal footing. At the same time, there is a greater number of partnerships that link higher education systems in the East Asian region to one another. Even as boundaries become more porous and permeable, there is growing acceptance of the view that cross border collaboration, if done well, can offer mutually beneficial advantages on multiple levels. There is a new recognition that the intensified international sharing of ideas, strategies of learning, and students is not only of enormous value to systems and institutions but essential to their long term survival. To this end, the chapters in this volume examine various motivations, goals, mechanisms, outcomes and challenges associated with cross-border collaboration in higher education.

David W. Chapman is the Birkmaier Professor of Educational Leadership in the Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development in the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Minnesota. He has worked in more than 45 developing countries, assisting national governments and international organizations in the areas of educational policy and planning, program design and evaluation. The author of over 125 journal articles and book chapters, he was awarded a Fulbright New Century Scholars grant for the 2007-08 academic year.

William K. Cummings is Professor of International Education and International Affairs at George Washington University. He has been involved in development work for over 25 years, focusing on evaluation and monitoring, policy analysis, sector assessment, management analysis, and teacher training. He has written extensively on the challenges of development and on models of successful development strategies, and has written or edited over 100 articles and 20 books or monographs. He is a past president of the Comparative and International Education Society.

Gerard A. Postiglione is Professor and Head, Division of Policy, Administration and Social Sciences Education, and Director of the Wah Ching Centre of Research on Education in China, Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong. He has published 10 books and over 100 journal articles and book chapters. He worked on higher education projects for the Asian Development Bank, United Nations Development Programme, World Bank, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, the Ford Foundation, and the International Institute for International Education.

The relation between shadow education and public education system in South Korea

12:45 – 2:00pm
26 March 2013 (Tuesday)
Runme Shaw Building 203, HKU Main Campus

Speaker: Hyunjin Kin

Download the PowerPoint used for this seminar here.

The main purpose of the presentation is to investigate the relation between shadow education and public education system changes in South Korea. Shadow education is the most concerning educational issue in Korea. Korean government has struggled to invent several types of policy responses to deal with shadow education since 1969. The effort of government to overcome the shadow education resulted in making a new public education system. Ironically, the new public education system became a cause of new types of shadow education. The new types of shadow education drive the government to invent another new policy response. This phenomenon has been repeated so far and will be. Historical review and new insight on the relation between shadow education and public education system will be delivered.

Hyunjin Kin is an associate professor in the department of education at the Kookmin University, Seoul, South Korea since 2005. He obtained his PhD study in Educational Administration and Policy Study at the University of Pittsburgh. Prior to that, he received B.A. and M.Ed in the Seoul National University.