Harmony and Cacophony: Large-scale Assessments in Education

The Comparative Education Research Centre (CERC), under the leadership of new Director Prof. Jeremy Rappleye, launched its first seminar with a hybrid event featuring Dr. Israel Moreno Salto, Professor of Educational Sciences at the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexico.

Dr. Moreno Salto’s talk, titled Harmony and Cacophony in Large-Scale Assessments in Education, focused on the complexities of “assessment assemblages,” where multiple large-scale assessments overlap at various educational levels. He addressed the tensions, redundancies, and challenges these assessments create, offering attendees a critical “thinking toolbox” to help navigate their own assessment systems. This talk is based on his newly-released book “Harmony and Cacophony: Large-scale Assessments in Education”.

The seminar, which welcomed both onsite and online participants, marks the first in a series of CERC events designed to foster dialogue and research on critical issues in education. Prof. Rappleye and other CERC members highlighted the significance of the session, setting the tone for future academic engagements at the center. Please stay tuned for CERC next activity on September 26th, on which Prof. Liz Jackson will give a book launch of her new book on Emotion for education.