Following the launch of the CERC book Shadow Education in Africa: Private Supplementary Tutoring and its Policy Implications, efforts have been made to reach diverse audiences. Two channels for doing so are:
- the UNESCO-IIEP Learning Portal, which has a blog entitled Private Supplementary Tutoring: What Implications for classroom learning?, and
- the parallel blog for the UNESCO Teacher Task Force: Teachers as Tutors: Evidence from Africa.

The book is also the focus of a FreshEd podcast during which Professor Bray was interviewed by Will Brehm.
The FreshEd interview was wide-ranging, and touched on Brehm’s own studies of private tutoring in Cambodia. His book Cambodia for Sale: Everyday Privatization in Education and Beyond has just been published by Routledge. It is based on his PhD thesis completed at the University of Hong Kong. The remarks during the podcast showed some similarities between parts of Africa and of Southeast Asia.