Teachers as Tutors: Shadow Education Market Dynamics in Georgia

Author: Nutsa Magda Kobakhidze

CERC Studies in Comparative Education 34

May 2018

Published by Comparative Education Research Centre (CERC) and Springer

ISBN 978-988-14241-5-0

HK$200 (local), US$28 (overseas)


The so-called shadow education system of private supplementary tutoring has become a global phenomenon but has different features in different settings. This book explores how teacher-tutors’ beliefs, social norms, ideals about professionalism, and community values shape their economic decisions in the informal shadow education marketplace. Through the theoretical lenses of economic sociology and anthropology, this study uncovers the strong social and moral embeddedness of the shadow education market in social relationships, cultural norms, and moralities in post-Soviet Georgia. The book questions some of the basic assumptions that the predominant neoliberal discourse promotes worldwide.

The book is based on Kobakhidze’s PhD dissertation, which won the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Gail P.Kelly Outstanding Dissertation Award.


For book reviews: click the following links for book reviews by

Larry E. Suter, published in International Review of Education;

Šťastný, Vít, published in Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education;

Tian Renxiang, published in Journal of International Cooperation in Education;