Teachers as Tutors: Shadow Education Market Dynamics in Georgia

Author: Nutsa Magna Kobakhidze

CERC Studies in Comparative Education 34

May 2018

Published by Comparative Education Research Centre (CERC) and Springer

ISBN 978-988-14241-5-0

HK$200 (local), US$28 (overseas)


The so-called shadow education system of private supplementary tutor- ing has become aglobal phenomenon but has different features in differ- ent settings.This bookexplores the ways in which teacher-tutors’ beliefs, social norms, ideals about professionalism, and community values shape their economic decisions in the informal shadow education mar- ketplace.Through theoretical lenses of economic sociology and anthro- pology, this study uncovers strong social and moral embeddedness of the shadow education market in social relationships, cultural norms and moralities in post-Soviet Georgia.The bookquestions some
of the basic assumptions that the predominant neoliberal discourse pro- motes worldwide.

The book is based on Kobakhidze’s PhD dissertation, which won the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Gail P.Kelly Outstanding Dissertation Award.


For book reviews: click the following links for book reviews by

Larry E. Suter, published in International Review of Education;

Šťastný, Vít, published in Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education;

Tian Renxiang, published in Journal of International Cooperation in Education;