CIES Presidential Address

In March 2016, Mark Bray was elected to the Presidency of the US-based Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). This is the oldest and largest society in the field, established in 1956 and having over 3,000 members.

At the 61st annual conference, 6-9 March 2017 in Atlanta, USA, Mark Bray concluded his work with a CIES%202017%20Pres%20Address.1Presidential Address. It was entitled ‘Schooling and its Supplements: Changing Global Patterns and Implications for Comparative Education’. It drew on his extensive work on the so-called shadow education system of supplementary private tutoring. The lecture may be viewed here, and will in due course be published in the Society’s flagship journal Comparative Education Review.

CERC%20table.CIESMark Bray retains a CIES leadership role within the CIES as immediate Past-President on the Board of Directors.