Knowledge Exchange with the Shadow Education Sector in Korea and China

Mark Bray, Ora Kwo, Abbas Arani, Li Wenjian and Zhang Wei were invited to the First International Conference on Hakwon Education held on 11 April, 2015. Click here to watch the news report on the event in MBN.

Mark Bray and Ora Kwo gave a keynote speech on regulating private tutoring for public good in the opening of the conference. It was also an occasion to launch the Korean version of their book: CERC Monograph Series 10, “Regulating Private Tutoring for Public Good: Policy Options for Supplementary Education in Asia“.


Immediately after this conference, Mark Bray and Ora Kwo launched the Chinese translation of the book, entitled 以公众利益规范私人补习:亚洲补习教育之政策选择  on 15 April 2015 at the CETU 10th anniversary conference in Zhengzhou, China. The CETU is a co-publisher of this version, together with the UNESCO office in Beijing.

cetu merge

The launch was held as a keynote address in the opening ceremony of the conference, attended by over 2,000 people. The book is nowavailable for free download here, from CETU and from UNESCO-Beijing.