CERC’s MCM on April 19th 2024

CERC’s Management Committee Meeting (MCM) was held on April 19th, 2024, via Zoom. The meeting was attended by Nutsa Kobakhidze (Director), Yang Lili (Elected Member), Jisun Jung (Elected Member), Mark Bray (Co-opted Member), Stefan Auer (Co-opted Member), and Tian Renxiang (Secretary).

The meeting opened with a welcome message from Nutsa Kobakhidze, who thanked the members for their time and contribution to CERC’s operation. The minutes from the previous MCM were approved, and updates on CERC activities were discussed. The report included confirmation of CERC’s five-year review, CERC’s participation in the CIES conference in Miami, CERC seminars, and updates on CERC’s book sales. The meeting also covered updates from various CERC Special Interest Groups (SIGs), including Shadow Education SIG, Comparative Studies in Educational Traditions SIG, and Higher Education SIG. The meeting included updates on UNESCO Chair activities, CESHK-CERC conference, CERC’s new contract with Routledge, CERC’s film project in Georgia, and potential collaborations with different organizations abroad.

The meeting ended with the announcement of CERC’s upcoming activities, including its AGM in May.