The Meaning(s) of Supplementation: Multivalent education at Amdo Tibetan sabjong













The Shadow Education SIG (Special Interest Group) has successfully held a seminar featuring Dr. Andrew Frankel, a renowned scholar who has extensively studied Shadow Education.

Drawing on his seven years of teaching experience in Western China, Dr. Frankel presented his research on the topic of ‘Rethinking Supplementation: A Study of Amdo Tibetan Educators in Qinghai, China.’ His findings challenge the conventional understanding of supplemental education programs and highlight their potential to promote diversity and critical engagement with mainstream education.

The seminar was attended by a diverse group of educators and researchers who engaged in lively discussions and debates around the implications of this research for future educational policies and practices. We are grateful to Dr. Frankel for sharing his insights and expertise with us and look forward to further exploring this important topic.