CERC Hosts Successful Book Sale at CESHK 2023 Conference

CERC organized a highly successful book sale during the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK) 2023 conference held on July 22nd and 23rd. The initiative, spearheaded by CERC and coordinated by Claudia Chen, an EdD candidate at the faculty, along with three master students, offered conference attendees a valuable opportunity to explore and purchase a wide range of CERC publications.

The book sale featured a diverse collection of books covering various topics within the field of comparative education published by CERC. From groundbreaking research to insightful analyses, the selection catered to the interests and needs of scholars, researchers, and education professionals. Attendees had the chance to engage with the latest publications and gain valuable insights into current educational trends and practices.

CERC extends its gratitude to Claudia Chen and the master students for their dedication and efforts in organizing the book sale. Their hard work ensured a seamless experience for conference attendees and contributed to the overall success of the CESHK 2023 conference.