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The UN Sustainable Development Goals: A Round Table on the 2016 Global Education Monitoring Report

Chair: Mark Bray

Participants: Cheng Kai-Ming, Liz Jackson, Wesley Teter – and all others who can join the event around the Round Table.

In September 2015 the global community convened at the United Nations Headquarters to set 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a target date of 2030. The fourth goal focuses on education.

UNESCO is the lead agency for monitoring the implementation of SDG4. Its recently-published Global Education Monitoring Report is entitled Education for People and Planet: Creating Sustainable Futures for All. Participants in the Round Table will share perspectives on the report and related challenges.


Date: Friday 28 October 2016
Time: 12.30-2.00 pm
Venue: Hui Oi Chow Building G01

The report can be downloaded from

All are welcome!

Round table GEM

CERC Presents Movie Afternoons

The first is scheduled for the coming Thursday 13 October, at 1.45 pm in Room 202 of Runme Shaw Building. We will show part of the movie: Preschool in Three Cultures Revisited: China, Japan, and the United States.

The comparative work of Joseph Tobin and colleagues is renowned for both its methods and its insights. Preschool classrooms in Japan, China and the US were videotaped and then commented upon not only by teachers from those cultures but also by teachers in other cultures. The study was first conducted in the 1980s and then repeated in the 2000s, thereby delivering comparisons over time as well as place. Join us to gain insights not only from the researchers but also from yourself and peers as you watch these video scenes.



March 6-10, 2016 in Vancouver – the 60th Annual Conference of CIES!

March 6-10, 2016

Vancouver, BC| Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre


Six Decades of Comparative and International

Education: Taking Stock and Looking Forward”


Call for Proposals

Early bird submission deadline: September 15th, 2015

Final submission deadline:  October 15th, 2015

* Please note that the final submission deadline will NOT be extended beyond this date. No exceptions will be made.*

The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) is pleased to announce its 60th Annual Conference, which will be held at the Sheraton Wall Centre Vancouver Hotel, in Vancouver, Canada from March 6-10, 2016.

Six Decades of Comparative and International Education: Taking Stock and Looking Forward

The CIES was founded in 1956, and is the world’s oldest society in the field of comparative and international education. The 1950s were an era of post-war economic growth, decolonization, and Cold War geopolitics – an age of typewriters rather than computers, in which international travel was possible only for the privileged few. The 60th annual conference will consider how the Society and the field have evolved during the decades, and where they are (and/or should be) going.

The field of comparative and international education is wide, and has different emphases in different parts of the world and in different periods of history. Conference participants are invited to address the theme from perspectives of their particular specializations, theoretical and practical standpoints, geographic locations, and academic and professional identities. Much has changed since 1956 and intervening points. What does it mean for the goals, spirit and tools of our work? What would we like to see in the future, and how will we achieve it?

Proposal Dates and Submission Categories

With the above in mind, the CIES 2016 Planning Committee invites you to submit proposals in the following categories:

  • Individual papers
  • Individual posters
  • Group poster sessions
  • Group panel sessions
  • Workshops

All proposals should contribute to the advancement of theory, practice, methodology and/or fieldwork in comparative and international education. Please be sure to review and align your proposal with the assessment criteria below.

The early bird deadline is September 15th, 2015. The final deadline for all submitted proposals is October 15, 2015. Proposals should be electronically submitted through the CIES online submission system, and comply with the requirements detailed in the guidelines below. Proposals that do not comply with these requirements will not be considered for inclusion in the program.

*Note: At this time, CIES is in the process of searching for a potentially new online submission system. Further details concerning where and how to submit proposals will be provided as soon as they are available.

CIES membership is required to present at the Conference. If you are not currently a member of CIES please take a few minutes and become a member by registering at the CIES webpage:


Proposals for an individual presentation or poster should be 500-750 words in length and should include the following information even if the results, findings and/or conclusions are still preliminary at the time of submission:

  1. Objectives or purposes.
  2. Main perspective or theoretical/conceptual framework used.
  3. Analytical methods, research design, or modes of inquiry.
  4. Data sources or evidence.
  5. Results and/or conclusions.
  6. Significance of the study to the field of comparative and international education.

When you submit your individual proposal you will be asked to indicate your preferred format (poster/presentation); the Conference Committee will make every effort to honor your first preference but due to the quantity of submitted proposals, you may be assigned your second choice.

While a paper session offers the opportunity to present your paper alongside 3-4 co-presenters, poster sessions can be a highly effective way to present a larger research project and allow you to interact with a larger number of researchers in an informal and dynamic fashion.

Individuals may only submit ONE proposal (as presenter – Full details of this strictly enforced policy are below) for the conference*, including to any of the following sessions:

  1. A session in the general conference program; or
  2. A session organized by a CIES Special Committee (Gender and Education, New Scholars, or Under-represented Racial, Ethnic and Ability Groups); or
  3. A session organized by a CIES Special Interest Group (SIG).

* Please note one exception: Individuals submitting a proposal to the New Scholars Dissertation Mentoring or Publications Workshop may also submit a proposal to the general pool, to another Standing Committee or a SIG. See also “Participation Limits” below for further details.

To find out more about Special Committees, or any of the 19 topic-based or 6 regional SIGS, please visit the CIES website at (see sections on Special Committees and Special Interest Groups).


Proposals for group panel OR poster presentations should include the following information:

  1. A 500-750 word summary of the overall panel or poster session proposal, with the following information:
    • Title of the panel OR poster session.
    • Objectives and main questions to be addressed in the panel or poster session.
    • Main perspectives and/or theoretical/conceptual frameworks
    • Importance of the panel/poster session to comparative/international education or the conference theme
    • Description of how the session will be structured
  1. A 200-250 word description of each individual presentation OR poster, which includes the following information:
    • Objectives or purposes of the paper/poster
    • Perspective or theoretical/conceptual framework
    • Analytical methods, research design, or modes of inquiry
    • Data sources or evidence
    • Main results and/or conclusions
    • Significance of the presentation to the overall panel topic
  1. A list of the panel members including their institutional affiliations and contact information.


Each Workshop proposal should include the following information:

  1. A 750-word summary describing the objectives of the workshop, the target audience, instructional goals, and planned workshop activities.
  1. A list of the names and institutional affiliations of the instructional staff.
  1. A list of equipment or room set-up requirements.


a) CIES membership is required to present at the CIES 2016 Conference. If you are not currently a member of CIES, please take a few minutes and become a member by registering on the CIES webpage:

b) Participant attendance requirement. All authors of accepted papers and all participants in panel sessions are expected to attend the CIES conference and be present at the scheduled session. If an emergency or other circumstance prevents an author from attending the CIES Meeting, s/he should immediately notify the CIES 2016 Planning Committee (

c) Participation limits. To allow as many conference attendees to present as possible, we will be enforcing the following participation policy:

  • Individuals may submit only one proposal for an individual, poster or panel presentation.
  • An individual may appear as a presenter only once in the final program, with the exception of special invited sessions, presentations, or for New Scholars Committee Dissertation Mentorship Workshop or Publication Workshop participants. Another exception can be made for those who are listed as non-presenter in multi-authored papers or as another invited role, such as: discussant, non-presenting session chair or participant in special events.
  • To avoid duplication of presentation content, individuals with multiple roles may not present the same material in different sessions. However, this rule does not apply to New Scholars Committee Dissertation or Publication workshops.
  •  Final decisions on the limits to individual participation in the annual meeting will be made at the discretion of the program committee.

d) Standard presentation equipment (LCD and overhead projectors and PowerPoint-equipped PCs) will be available for all sessions. Presentation slides and electronic materials must be formatted to be compatible with PC / Microsoft Windows. Presentations must be saved to your own personal “memory stick” and be ready to upload prior to your presentation.

e) Proposal review and selection process. All submitted proposals will undergo peer review by experienced scholars and advanced doctoral students in the field of comparative and international education. Acceptance notifications will be sent by October 15, 2015 for submissions received before the early bird deadline and November 15, 2015 for all other submissions.

For more information, visit CIES 2016 homepage!

Education and the State: Whatever Happened to National Education as a Public Good?


By Andy Green

Chair: Mark Bray

In an era which is rapidly losing the idea of education as a ‘public good,’ it is useful to remember the origins of our modern education systems, and the role of the state in their creation. Today we see a rapid marketising of education around the world, with increasing privatisation of educational services, the introduction of private sector management practices in public schools, and a growing perception of education as a private consumer good. The collective purposes of education, which animated the formation of national education systems, are being attenuated as providers view parents and students as customers, and the latter see education as a ‘positional’ good for which they must compete and, in many instances, pay.

However, just as we need to remember the key role of the state in the formation of education systems, we need to challenge some myths around educational globalization and markets. There is little evidence that neo-liberal models of education raise standards. Furthermore, the adoption of markets in education has been very uneven, and not all countries are converging around a single market model of education.

Andy Green is Professor of Comparative Social Science at the UCL Institute of Education, and Director of the ERSC Research Centre on Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies (LLAKES). His main field of research is the com-parative (historical and sociological) study of education and training systems. He has frequently worked as consultant to international bodies such as the European Commission, OECD and UNESCO, and to UK Government bodies. His works have been translated into Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Spanish. A new and extended edition of his prize-winning 1990 book was published in 2014 as Education and State Formation: Europe, East Asia and the USA. Other books in-clude Regimes of Social Cohesion: Societies and the Crisis of Globalisation, Palgrave 2011.

Date: Wednesday 18 November

Time: 12.45 – 14.00

Venue: Room 203 Runme Shaw Building

All are welcome!



Researching Private Supplementary Tutoring: Methodological Lessons from Diverse Cultures


By Mark Bray, Ora Kwo (Editors)


Kevin Yung, Nutsa Kobakhidze

Zhang Wei (Authors)

Are you ready to believe in research findings just because they are published?

How can we cultivate a research culture for sustainable deep inquiry?

If you care about such questions, this book is for you!

Private supplementary tutoring, commonly known as shadow education, has greatly expanded worldwide. The topic is in some respects difficult to research. Contours are indistinct, and the actors may hesitate to share their experiences and perspectives. Presenting methodological lessons from diverse cultures, the book contains chapters from both high-income and low-income settings in Asia, the Caribbean, Europe and the Middle East.

Highlights for the book launch:

  •  the background stories leading to the critical reviews of all chapters
  •  insights into the design and conduct of research

Date: Friday 6 November 2015

Time: 14:30 – 15:45

Venue: Room 203 Runme Shaw Building

Participants are entitled to a 20% discount off the list price (HK$250)


Do PhD students supported by public competitive grants conclude their doctorates faster? Evidence from Portugal

By Hugo Horta

Chair: Mark Bray

Time to completion of PhDs has been rising. This reflects an increased opportunity cost for those interested in doing a PhD. It has been a longtime concern for policymakers, students and universities in countries with developed scientific and higher education systems, but starts to be an issue in developing countries where doctoral education is emerging and expanding.

This seminar will focus on the extent to which public funded PhD grants, under a competitive framework, impact on time to completion of doctorates in a country where doctoral education only developed substantially since the mid-1990s. The analysis is guided by contract theory, from a signaling approach perspective, to show that credentials (signals) can have either a positive or negative effect on time to completion.

Hugo Horta is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Education of the University of Hong Kong, His research interest focuses on overlapping issues of science and higher education policy, namely academic mobility, careers and knowledge networks, internationalization of higher education, scientific productivity, and comparative studies. He is a Coordinating Editor of Higher Education, a leading journal in higher education research.

12.45 – 14.00
Tuesday 20 October
Runme Shaw 202


International Comparative Higher Education Research – From Myopic Insularity Towards a Global and Cosmopolitan Approach?

By Anna Kosmützky

New realities of a globalized higher education world have a profound impact on higher education research. Global and transnational topics are theoretically and empirically elaborated, whereas an international comparative outlook seems outdated.

This seminar will trace the development of comparative research using a set of empirical and conceptual meta-studies. It will elaborate on the state of art in comparative higher education research, and discuss its analytical and explanatory power in a globalized world.

Compared to other interdisciplinary and (sub-)disciplinary comparative fields, reflection in higher education research is underdeveloped. The seminar will recommend more precise quality standards for comparative research designs.

Anna Kosmützky has a PhD in sociology and is assistant professor at the International Center for Higher Education Research at Kassel University, Germany. Her research interests include (social) science studies and organizational studies with a focus on methodological issues of qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Friday 9 October 2015

14:15 – 15:30

Room 202 Runme Shaw Building2

Focus on BRICS

BRICSYang Rui and Anatoly Oleksiyenko have co-edited a special issue of Frontiers of Education in China (Vol.10, No.1,2015) on the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). The The issue has eight articles. The lead article, by Oleksiyenko and Yang, is entitled ‘Nix the BRICs? Competitive and Collaborative Forces in the Ostensibly “Blocalized” Higher education Systems’. Separate articles are written by Anatoly Oleksiyenko and by Yang Rui and Xie Meng.

In a related matter, on 14-15 May 2015 Hugo Horta gave a plenary address in St Petersburg, Russia, at a conference entitled Education and Global Cities: Prospects of BRICS. The conference was organized by the 5-100 Project, Ural Federal University, ITMO University, and the National Research University of Saint Petersburg.

IMG_4050Hugo’s presentation was in plenary session titled “University of (not in) the City”, which focused on the contribution to the economic life of cities and their strategic development in the scope of global knowledge societies. Hugo noted ways in which universities can use research based teaching to engage students (and thus the university) with local communities, highlighting the potential pros and cons of doing so.





Seminar on Room to Read’s research, monitoring and evaluation

Room to Read is an international non-governmental organization that supports children’s literacy and girls’ education in Asia and Africa. The speaker Matthew Jukes leads the development and implementation of Room to Read’s research, monitoring and evaluation strategy. Prior to joining Room to Read in 2012, Matthew was an associate professor of international education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education where he taught courses on evidence-based decision-making and on the roles of both culture and health in effective education. His research at Harvard focused on improving children’s development and learning in low-income countries, primarily through the evaluation of projects to improve early-grade literacy interventions and to promote learning through better health.Room to Read RM&E Lecture-Updated

Matthew has also applied his research to work with the World Bank, UNAIDS, UNESCO, Save the Children and the UK Department for International Development. He has experience as a classroom teacher in Gambia and holds a doctorate in developmental psychology and a bachelor’s degree in physics from Oxford University.

Date: Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Time: 7.00 -8.00 pm

Location: Room 406, Meng Wah Complex

All are welcome!

The World Education Forum

UNESCO, accompanied by six co-hosting agencies, has led the much-heralded World Education Forum, 19-22 May, in Incheon, Republic of Korea.3

The event was successor to the 2000 Forum in Dakar, Senegal, reviewing progress on the Education for All agenda and setting new targets for 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals to be approved at the United Nations in New York in September 2015. It led to the Incheon Declarationand a draft Framework for Action.

1Mark Bray attended both the main event in his role as UNESCO Chairholder and a companion event for NGOs, representing theWorld Council of Comparative Education Societies.

In side meetings, Mark Bray met with a group of Ministers of Education in Commonwealth countries to prepare for the 19th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers (CCEM) to be held in The Bahamas 22-26 June 2015. In this domain, Mark Bray collaborated with Nasir Kazmi of the Commonwealth Secretariat and Marcellus Taylor from the Bray-KoreaBahamas.

Click here for the interview with Mark Bray from Choogan Chosun (주간조선), the oldest and most authoritative news magazine in Korea.